Coopers Ale Malt

$3.95 per kg

Coopers Ale Malt

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SKU: COOP ALERT Category: Tags: , ,
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Kilned longer, this malt adds a golden colour with a more pronounced flavour than the Pale malt. Coopers Ale Malt is well modified and perfectly suited for single step infusion. Kilned longer, this malt adds a golden colour with a more pronounced flavour than the Pale malt. Coopers Ale Malt carries sufficient enzymatic power to be used as a base malt with non-enzymatic specialty malts

Moisture% 5.0

Extract, Dry Basis% FG 79.5

Colour EBC 3.5-7

Diastatic Power, Dry Basis WK200

Total Protein, Dry Basis% 10-12

Soluble Protein, Dry Basis% 4.2-5.8

Kolbach Index, Congress% 42-48

Apparent Attenuation% 80-84

Weight 1.015 kg
Dimensions 22 × 15 × 10 cm